274-276 Wickham Road, Highett, VIC 3190 Australia

PEX Testing

PEX Testing

ExcelPlas provides testing of PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) pipes (XLPE, PVC/XLPE, etc.)

As the leaders in Material Characterization, QA/AC, and Failure Analysis, we have the ability to produce accurate and fast results using state-of-the-art testing equipment.

Chemical Characterization
Mechanical Characterization
Carbon Black Content (ASTM D 4218) (Micro) Tensile (ISO 6259)
Degree of Crosslinking (AS 2492-2007, ISO 10147:2008)  Peel Decohesion Test (ISO 13954)


Physical Characterization
Thermal Characterization
Optical Microscopy (ASTM E2015) Oxidative Induction Time (ISO 11357-6-2008)
Reversion (AS/NZS 1462.4:2002, ISO 2505)
Dimensions of Pipes and Fittings (AS/NZS 2492)
Surface Finish (Internal)
Microcracking on Bend Back

Failure Analysis

ExcelPlas is able to conduct failure analysis of PEX pipes using techniques such as Microscopic Analysis and Microcracking on the Bend Back using SEM, Peel Decohesion.



274-276 Wickham Road

Highett, VIC

3190, Australia

Phone:  +61 3 9532 2207

Working hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00 – 18:00

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed